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Carbon Dual-Position Seatpost Production Update

We know a lot of you are eager to get your hands on the upcoming carbon fiber version of the dual-position seatpost.  In our last update email, we expected to have the posts ready in mid-July, but obviously, that date has come and gone, so we wanted to update you about the current production status of the posts.

When we got the final production samples late last month, they looked fantastic, but we made an unfortunate discovery - the post diameters were very slightly oversized, which meant it was tight inserting the posts into standard 27.2mm bike frames.  The culprit, it appears, is an overly-thick application of clear-coat following the graphics decal, so the factory is re-coating additional sample posts to bring them into spec.

So what does this mean for the schedule?  We'll be receiving the new samples this week, and then we have to put them through some final testing to make sure that everything is working properly.  Barring any other issues, we would then release the factory to start producing the posts.  Our expectation is that we will have the first production units in-hand and ready for sale around the end of August (see update).

Sorry about the delay!  We had really hoped to have the posts available much earlier in the riding season, but for us, making sure the product is perfect will always trump a target launch date.  Thanks again for your support and patience - we can't wait to get these beautiful carbon posts into your hands!